Monday, October 3, 2016

Elements blog(Titanium)


       William Gregor was the first person to discover titanium. He discovered  Titanium when he was studying rocks, and he came upon this very magnetic sand. He soon realized that this metal was a new metal. He named it Mechanite, named after Menaccan in Cornwall England. He then returned to becoming a pastor. A few years later, a man by the name of Klaproth, who was a German chemist, rediscovered the element. He did not know it had already been discovered so he named it Titanium after the Titans. Gregor and Klaproth eventually met, and they realized they had discovered the same element. The name Titanium sticks as the name, and is added to the Periodic table.
        How to make Titanium is by TiCl4 with sodium in a steel bomb at a temperature of 700-800 degrees Celsius. You can find Titanium naturally in the ground. It has many bearing ilmenite deposits in countries around the world. It is found more commonly as an element being the ninth most commonly found abundant element. You can find his element in compound form in watches, planes, and even cars. Titanium on the Periodic Table can be found In Period 4 group 4. This means it can be formed into many different shapes.

Image result for common compounds made out of titanium

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